Reiki 2 Course

This level Deepens your connection to reiki and strengthens your healing further.
Who can do this: Anyone who has completed Reiki 1 ( Please send scanned copy of Reiki 1 certificate or details of your Reiki 1 attunement)
You will learn:
- Sacred Reiki symbols and their usage,
- Distance Reiki healing.
- Different ways to give healings over distance & time to past,present and future.
- Healing relationships, Emotional healing
- Giving reiki to a Group in person or far away.
- Protection & clearing with reiki
- Meditation, goal manifestation
- Review of Reiki 1
- Also available as e-course
You will receive : Full e-mail support.
- Manual for Reiki 1 (for review)
- Manual for Reiki 2, clear to understand and well-illustrated.
- Course work, assignments, case studies. Final exam
- Personalised Distance attunement
- Full support
- Authentic Lineage
- Beautiful, personalized, Certificate of completion.