Reiki 1 Course

This course is perfect to awaken your reiki healing power and introduce you to the healing benefits of reiki for yourself and others. Doing this course will enable you to understand and use reiki for yourself,your family,others in your community, your pets, your projects, goals etc.,
You will learn:
- History of reiki, What is reiki, Benefits of reiki and who can do it
- Reiki principles , Gassho Meditation, Chakra System
- Reiki hand positions, How to give a complete reiki session to yourself & others
- Reiki without touching, Giving reiki to plants and animals
- Different uses of reiki
- Also available as e-course
- Clearing, Grounding
You will receive : Full e-mail support.
- Manual for Reiki 1, clear to understand and well-illustrated.
- Course work, assignments, case studies, Final exam
- Personalised Distance attunement enabling you to channel reiki all your life
- Full support
- Authentic Lineage
- Beautiful, personalized, Certificate of completion.